Since 1983 graduated in Architecture and Urbanism by the Pontifícia Universitária Católica of Campinas-SP. I have been acting until now in my profession with denote.
As the time passen, the professional reality demands real challenges. For this professional recycling is really important the maintenance and actualization of the knowledge.
For me, being able to participate, at this moment, of the plans, of a company and organization, with such notable conception and reputation, is very important, I will only be able to offer good service and put in all my creativity and dedication.
Hoping to please you and to have the opportunity to show my work, where we can combine our basis and goals, for a Plan of Work.
Offer, at this moment, my Curriculum Vitae, so it can be appreciated. And I express my respect and considerations.
Declare to take total responsibility for the information presented on this document on this Portfolio, Web Site e Platform Lattes. The inaccuracy of the information mentioned above will eliminate me of the competition, being the current acts of my registration annulled.