Technical Training in Accessibility and Urban Mobility / CREASP - PP / 05.
I studied the disciplines of the Master`s degree in UNESP-PPrudente, as student special ENVIRONMENTAL URBAN PROBLEMS and URBAN CLIMATE 16ª18 Set. 05.
I studied the Master of Engineering Disciplines of Building and Sanitation in UEL-PR, as a special student and QUALITY IN BUILDING THERMAL PERFORMANCE BUILDINGS / 05.
Ecological Materials of Low Environmental Impact in the Architecture and Construction - IDHEA / 03.
Maintainable Development and Recycle in Civil Cosntruction, IBRACON, IPEN-USP /02.
Energy efficiency in Buildings of Offices, Camera of Architects / 01.
Thermal Behavior of the Buildings - Unicamp and USP /01.
Architecture Bio Climatic and Consevation of Energy - Polytechnic Universitat of Catalunya - Barcelona - Spain /00.
Manager of Works, SindusCon-PPrudente/99.
The Total Quality program with 5 S, Senac - PPrudente / 97.
Hospital Architecture and Engineering and Health System, CREA-PR. / 95.
Architecture and Technology - Steel in Construction, FAU/USP, ABCEM / 95.
System Analysis of Architectural Projects for AutoCad, FAU/USP, IAB-SP / 92.
Implantation of AutoCad in Offices of Architecture, FAU/USP, FUPAM, IAB-SP / 92.
Introductory of AutoCad, Hollons Grafic Computation / 92.
Hospital and Health Buildings - Architectural and Installations II , IAB -SP / 91.
District Leader and the Environment, CETESB / 89.
Architecture in the System Health, IAB - DF / 89.
Alternatives of Urban Paviment of Low Cost and Conservation of Local Highways, CEPAM / 85.
Application of Remote Sensorment in Environmental Analyzes, and occupation in the Urban, Rural and Regional Space, UNESP-PPrudente, INPE / 85.
Engineering of Evaluations IAB-SP, IBAPE, MASTER / 85.
Urban Planning I , Urban II, USP / 82 e 84.
Techniques of Leadership and Person monitorship, accomplished at UNESP - PPrudente / 84.
Topics of Human Ecology and Methods of Monitorship of the Pollution, Unicamp, CNPq / 83.
International Seminar on Technological Innovation and Sustainability - NUTAU / USP / 06.
Workshop Production of the Urban Space and Historical Patrimony in Mexico / UNESP-PP / 05.
Biennial lecture of Architecture with architect Filomena Russian office architect Foster and Parthers - Maintainable Architecture, Projects and experiences in London / 05.
Biennial lecture of Architecture with architect Patrick Nossent - Maintainable Construction, Present and Future Actions, experiences, certifications and market in France / 05.
4th Workshop Advances in Energy Estudies Ecology in Latin America – UNICAMP / 04.
1ª CLACS Conference Latin American of Maintainable Constructions SP / 04.
International Congress of the Cities - URBIS /03.
International Congress on Sustainable Architecture - FAU USP / NUTAU / 02.
III Latin American Meeting on Comfort in the Built Ambient - Unicamp and USP /01.
II Latin American Biennial Aroztegui - Unicamp and USP /01.
I Latin American Seminar PLEA - Unicamp and USP /01.
Biennial of Architecture of Venice - Italy / 00.
III International Seminar on "Management of Urban Land and Housing of Social Interest" Campinas-SP / 00.
III International Conference on Building of High Technology - SP /99.
IX Latin American Congress in Architecture and Engineering Hospital in Buenos Aires- Argentina /98.
II Meeting of Mercosul in Buenos Aires- Argentina /98.
XIX Internacional Exposition of Architecture and Design in Milão - Itály /96.
Triennial of Architecture in Milan - Italy / 96.
I International Seminar of Graphical Computing at FAU/USP, IAB, ABCEM / 92.
Internacional Congress of Urbanization - City of Future II , IAB-SP / 87.
I American Latin Meeting - The City and Direction Nacs Health, IAB-SP / 87.
International Congress of Urbanization - City of the Future I, IAB-SP / 85.
III International Course of Compared Law of the Environment, UNESP-SP, CNPq, SEMA / 83.
II Forum of Environmental Right of the Point of Paranapanema
IV Brazilian Workshop on Project Management Process in Building Construction - FAU / USP / 06.
I International Symposium on Middle Cities / UNESP-PP / 05.
Permanent Forum of the Third Section - Social Development / SENAC-PP / 05.
Biennial lecture of Architecture with architect Siegbert Zanettini - Projects, Solutions and experiences with Maintainable Architecture - CENPES Petrobrás - RJ in Brazil / 05.
10º ENTAC National Encounter of Technology of the Built Atmosphere SP / 04.
Cycle of Lectures in IBRAMEM / LaMEM/EESC/USP with Roland Wolfe, Julius Natterer e Robert Leicester São Carlos SP / 04.
Architecture in Wood - UNESP-PPrudente / 04.
III COPAC Congresso Paranaense of the Built Atmosphere, Sinduscon-PR, UEL-PR / 04.
Seminar Illumination for Paisagismo II Senac-PPrudente / 04.
State Seminar, Govern Present / PPrudente03.
I Confer of Presidente Prudente City /03.
I Seminar of the Center West from São Paulo on Residues of Services of Health - Unesp Bauru /03.
I Week of the Environmental Engineering and V Week of the Geography - Unesp PPrudente /03.
I Regional Seminar of Environmental Education and Integrated Administration of Solid Residues of the Point of Paranapanema - Unesp PPrudente / WWF / 03.
XII Brazilian Congress of Engineering in Architecture, Centro São Camilo / 02.
III International Congress of Hospital Engineering and Architecture, Adh-São Camilo / 02.
XII Brazilian Congress of Engineering in Architecture, Centro São Camilo / 02.
II Regional Seminar of Strategies for the Maintainable Development SEBRAE, CEPAM /01.
VI National Meeting on Comfort in the Built Ambient - Unicamp and USP /01.
IX Brazilian Congress of Engineering in Architecture, Centro São Camilo / 99.
I Brazilian Congress of Hotel Administration, Centro São Camilo / 99.
IX Brazilian Congress of Teaching of Architecture and Urbanization, UEL and ABEA /99.
II National Seminar of Coatings of High Acting, Institute of Engineering-SP /98.
Systems of Filtration, Ventilation and Conditioned Air, Institute of Engineering-SP /98.
VII Brazilian Congress of Engineering in Architecture, Centro São Camilo / 97.
XV Brazilian Congress of Architects, accomplished in Curitiba - PR / 97.
II Congress of Architecture and Advisory Engineering, Centro São Camilo / 95.
V Brazilian Congress of Total Quality in Hospital Architecture, Centro São Camilo / 95.
II Congress of Architecture and Engineering Consulting, FNA, CREA, IAB / 92.
II Meeting in Residence and Urban Development, IAB-SP and PM - SP / 90.
VII National Symposium of Management in the Civil Construction, EPUSP / 88.
I Seminar of Teachers and Professionals of the Engineering area - The Human Vocation of the Engineering, UNESP-PP / 84.
VII National Symposium of Application of the Concrete, SIMPATICON /84.
XI Brazilian Congress of Architects, in Salvador-BA / 82.
X Brazilian Congress of Architects, in Brasilia-DF / 79.